Non-SC Students/Advisors

If you are receiving this message, you are not a South Carolina Student or Advisor.  You will need to contact your local advisor or your state advisor from your state in order to become a HOSA member.  This form is ONLY for South Carolina.

Advisor Name Badge

The name badges are approximately 2 3/4″ by 2 1/4″ with a magnetic back. SC HOSA pays for ONE advisor name badge for every HOSA advisor. If you have previously received a HOSA advisor name badge, there will be a $10 fee to re-order. Advisor Name Badge...

HOSA Fundraising Ideas

Please complete the form below if you would like to share your successful fundraising ideas with other HOSA Advisors.   Organization Name* Website Contact Person (person attending the conference) First Last Email (of the person attending the conference)* Contact...