Fall Leadership Conference


October 10, 2024 at Newberry College

Registration is now OPEN!

Registration Deadline is October 3rd

HOWEVER,  you must be registered by September 16 for a guaranteed t-shirt size 

NO REFUNDS after September 16th

Payment deadline is October 4th









FLC Information

  1. All students and advisors MUST be HOSA members to register for FLC. The only exception is a chaperone or guest.
  2. Bus drivers can eat lunch for $15, however, you must register them as a “bus driver LUNCH only”. They will not receive a t-shirt for this type of registration.
  3. You must have an advisor or chaperone for every 10 students
  4. School name badges must be worn during the conference.  If your school does not require them, you will be responsible for making your students’ name badges.
  5. Conference Volunteers NEEDED- Advisors ONLY. Volunteer 2 hours during the conference to get CEUs and a small thank you from SC HOSA.
    1. Most duties are to introduce the speaker, hand out stickers for the student cards and making sure everyone is respectful during the 20-minute session. Sign up to volunteer here.
  6. Conference Day PARKING:
    1. CARS ONLY may park in the Setzler Field Parking Lot
    2. BUS and CARS may park in the Math/Science Parking Lot Area, Upper Bachman St. Parking Lot, Lower Bachman St. Parking Lot, Luther Street Parking Lot. Click here for the parking map

State Service Project- Shriners Children's

Join us in making a difference! We’re hosting a Shriners Toy Drive at our FLC to bring joy to children in need. Please bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate (we will accept new items only – no collections, stored items, or previously used items). Your generosity will make a lasting impact on the lives of these children.

Click here to learn more about “Patient Gift Donations”

Download our Conference App