2024 ILC Deadlines & Reminders
April 15
- ILC Deadline
- ~HOSA Scholarship Applications
May 15
- ~Payment Deadline. All payments should be mailed to SC HOSA, PO Box 866, Lexington, SC 29071 or you may make your payments by credit card BY CLICKING HERE. DO NOT MAIL YOUR PAYMENT TO NATIONAL HOSA!
- ~Medical forms sent to schosa@outlook.com
- ~Code of Conduct forms sent to schosa@outlook.com
- ILC Deadlines
- ~To submit conference registration in the HOSA Conference Management System
- ~ To upload competitive event submissions to HOSA’s Digital Upload System
- ~To approve HOSA Service Project and Barbara James Service Award entries in the HOSA Activity Tracking System (HATS)
- ~Deadline for HOSA Chapters to confirm and finalize hotel reservations directly with the hotel. Room availability may be limited at the conference rate and penalties may apply for releasing rooms after May 15
May 19
South Carolina Deadline- ~Deadline for Pre-Ordered Souvenir T-shirts. Orders will be available for pick up at the SC registration table during ILC registration on Wednesday, June 26th.
June 11 or until we run out
South Carolina Deadline- ~Deadline for Pre-Ordered Trading Pins. Orders will be available for pick up at the SC registration table during ILC registration on Wednesday, June 26th.
June 14
- Competitor appointment times posted for the ILC